maybe im too old to handle the pace of the game WTF / Hallucination
maybe I'm only good at PvP, the most boring match-up of all / Z is fXXcking hard like SXXT
深還淺呢~~ / 你要怎樣說隨便你啦ㄆㄆ我人就是這樣你又不是不懂 / 撲浪還有人嗎
somewhat broken / but I am taking it all
某人不會在我正好打完文的時候 把電腦給收掉了吧 / 半年才看到會怎麼樣咧= =''
打一篇長篇詠嘆文 還拿盛發歌單來寫故事 但你應該看不到 因為你不會去看 等下有人要陪我去游泳嗎