I'm holding a belated birthday stream this Friday at 8pm (GMT+08)! (That's exactly 24 hours after this post! Or check the time here) I'm celebrating by suffering thru FFXIV's jumping puzzles! I'll be on Ravana (Materia), which means anyone can come heckle me in game! ;D
Happy Starlight! I come bearing my gift to you; Just PUG Things Volume 2! It's 2+ years of my comics created during Endwalker. 132 pages of FFXIV goofs and gaffes, all in one handy-dandy PDF.
So I was a contributor for the FF14 Untamed Zine (vol 2), a fanzine celebrating the iconic creatures and primals of the Source, the First, and Worlds Beyond! Here's the art I made for it :3