wishes 11 years ago
my friend's must to have and get university what their want ameen
jogja and the university of gadjah mada
I LOVE DIY YOGYA <3 i wait the times to live in there and becomes to people jogja (orang jogja). i make my life better in there
become to be better in next every second in my days
MOWRNING everyone.. <3 i like my day. i like SUNDAY
thinks 11 years ago
bye my plurks! mau olahraga malam, mandi habis itu sholat. daah
thinks 11 years ago
jodoh pasti bertemu kok
just give me a reasons! andai gue dan lo dulu bisa kayak gitu. but i'ts old. di kota gue nanti banyak kok yg lebih dr lo. tp gue harus ngejaga sifat gue, bersifat biasa tapi harus anggun
tapi mungkin bakal gue kasih pembatas. gue harus bisa ngadepin org yg beda sifat sama gue! ayo cahya kamu pasti bisa! lebih dewasa lagi yaa