9Friends 2Fans
To love someone is madness, to loved by someone is a gift, loving someone who loves you is a duty, but being loved by someone whom u love is life
SYAF! says
15 years ago
i dah phobia org mintk num & knal :/
15 years ago 3
I'm sure miss my friends after sec four. to be precise, after o level (tears)
SYAF! loves
15 years ago
going MB with complete Penang Drift (applause)
15 years ago 6
despite ur sinister attitude, i still LIKE you
SYAF! says
15 years ago
mcmcm musibah niari berlaku :-(
SYAF! is
15 years ago
doing research about canon 500D. the cost is almost 2K :'-( (tears)
SYAF! says
15 years ago
changed url! (worship)
15 years ago
I'm obsessed with the song I'm yours. Due to Faisal Isa's voice. xDD
SYAF! says
15 years ago
bored :-(
15 years ago 3
woke up at 630 for school. After school, went for sleep from 1pm till 4pm. It's not about tired, its about not used to it. (sleeping)