jj nitsuga
57Friends 278Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
i swear you're giving me a heart attack
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
totally forgot about my a-z marathon
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
sleep off these frustrations
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
I dreamt of you and pancakes. mostly pancakes
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
gonna sleep early again. Baguio tomorrow!
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
i would never wish for somebody to wake up this early ;.;
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
I give up. Again.
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
maybe you're looking at the wrong direction
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
me iz jelly
jj nitsuga
10 years ago
and we'll have Halloween on Christmas