#摘句 "Romance may be the world’s oldest cult. It hooks you when you’re vulnerable, hold your deepest fears as collateral, renames you something like ‘baby,’ brainwashes you, then makes you think that your soul will wither and die if you let go of a person who loved you. So you better have a good goddamn reason for saying ‘nah, not enough."
#摘句 “A man takes his sadness down to the river and throws it in the river but then he’s still left with the river. A man takes his sadness and throws it away but then he’s still left with his hands.”
#閒聊#難得充實且開心的周末早上 今天起了個大早,但意外精神還不錯,趁著現在還是晴天跑去採買東西,中午聽著有聲書做飯,我剛開始聽一本很有意思的新書We Had to Remove This Post,雖然有些地方聽得我有點難受(褒義)。接著配飯看了Fire Island(熱戀彩虹島),讓我非常喜歡,funny, hot, adorable,我滿喜歡它呈現了各種男同志之間的關係,不論是對階級種族間的摩擦、對感情友誼的不同看法、還有讓人感動的再生家庭,它是一部讓人看完會心情很好的電影。