The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers 作為Wayfarers系列的最終部作品,我認為The Galaxy, and the Ground Within是個再完美不過的故事,也成為這系列中我最愛的一本。維持著Becky Chambers一貫的溫暖與舒服,我們繼續探索這個複雜、不完美、卻如此令人著迷的宇宙,以及居住於其中真實的可愛小人物們。
剛聽完The Galaxy and the Ground Within 令我真的很喜歡&享受的故事 我真的好愛Becky Chambers筆下的每個角色,以及Wayfarers系列的這個令人著迷的宇宙(與其中奇妙複雜的各外星物種)。 透過不同物種角色間的互動與對話,一邊對角色有更深的連結,也慢慢在腦中拼湊出這各宇宙的全貌,這種感覺我很喜歡。 想到這是最後Wayfarers系列最後一本還是有點難過QQ
"What do you see?" he asked, gesturing at the patterns. "Dots," Tupo said. Roveg expanded his abdomen happily. "To you, yes," he said. "To me, these are sentences, this is how we Quelin write"
- The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers