34Friends 9Fans
female gandaria selatan, Indonesia
cant be perfect without my family, my best friends, and my beloved. i love you all! :,)
15 years ago
selamat buka puasa semuanya.. akhirnya buka pake es juga! :-)
15 years ago
macet, koneksi internet lola dan denger suaranya andika kangen band adalah masalah besar dan bikin emosi gua naik! ergh! --"
noffiswart thinks
15 years ago
if its you and me forever, if its you and me right now, that'd be alright if we chase the stars to lose our shadow!
noffiswart thinks
15 years ago
Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine, so WON'T YOU FLY WITH ME? :-D
noffiswart says
15 years ago
isnk praphty malaanindyo iikaiiko 25dhewie kimsilvy chibeeh adriyudha ArifiNoff pamit yah, bsok pagi aku brangkat, i'll miss you :-)
15 years ago
the conclusion of all my feel is standing still him to fill my little world again. fufufufu, so bewilder!
noffiswart says
15 years ago
Morgen Alles.. :-D
noffiswart says
15 years ago
LOVE is such weird thing but delightful. :-D
15 years ago
and if ya'll like this flow, let me know if it's loco. everybody now lets go! :-D
15 years ago
kepala pusing dan mata berat, panggilan alam buat TIDURRR.. selamat malam semua, semoga mimpi indah.. :-D