11Friends 84Fans
female uranus , CA, United States
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago
my throat hurts and I'm losing my voice the day that I'm doing karaoke, lovely... (annoyed)
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago 5
I suppose this is BIRTHDAY WEEK! Tomorrow is karaoke; 80's hip hop theme. Get your shell toes, kangols, cazal glasses & dookie chains ready!
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago 11
I'm admin to my DEPARTMENT not YOU. It's your own damned fault you aren't prepared, not mine. Next time call ahead & schedule a time, bitch.
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago
email is down. internet is slow as balls. I need coffee. Damn you, Monday.
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago
prince vs michael jackson night tomorrow if anyone is interested! I'll be there 100% for sure.
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago 3
I'm a total sucker & LAUGH so much @ this Shawty Putt - Dat Baby (feat. Too $hort) OFFICIAL VIDEO
nodanaonlyzuul is
16 years ago 13
going to support T while singing "Too Close" by Next tomorrow @ the EB Elite event. Also considering "Magic Stick" by Lik Kim/50 Cent :-&
nodanaonlyzuul says
16 years ago 11
um, Ryan Reynolds is uh, attractive.