14Friends 15Fans
female State College, PA, United States

Interest: manga, anime, comic, animation, cosplay etc.

nodame22 asks
15 years ago 3
where can i watch live Federer?????? X-( hates NBC
nodame22 asks
15 years ago
Conference in Austin, TX, where should i go for lunch/dinner?
nodame22 shares
15 years ago 6
Swine flue in Centre County :S (
nodame22 likes
15 years ago
nodame22 shares
15 years ago
UTADA - Come Back To Me (Official Music Video)
nodame22 says
15 years ago
she's back
nodame22 is
15 years ago
saying good night to Plurk world
nodame22 is
15 years ago
trying to sell her car
nodame22 wonders
15 years ago
why does she has so many IM contacts but hardly find s'one she wanna talk to..:-(
nodame22 loves
15 years ago
Pandora Radio