2Friends 3Fans
male Boulder, CO, United States
is a boy that relies on energy drinks, tofu, soy, music && some literature to get him through the day.

.college student
.graphic designer
nikoli_ has
16 years ago 1
mmmm, you dont use me to try && get to my girls, hell no
nikoli_ has
16 years ago
bought a book about a crime fighting drag queen that looks like Audrey Hepburn, so interseted
nikoli_ is
16 years ago
going good book shopping now, hurray literacy!
nikoli_ has
16 years ago
gotten classes fixed, ate sushi with daphne, && is home. lovely day
nikoli_ wonders
16 years ago
if hell have good dreams tonight, heres to trying
nikoli_ needs
16 years ago
to go put some clothes on for work. darn it
nikoli_ likes
16 years ago
the fact that his wifi is fixxxed! yay :-))
nikoli_ wants
16 years ago
the wifi guy to hurry up and get herrr
nikoli_ is
16 years ago
eating sour patch kids, going to figure out his school stuff && then go to work blah
nikoli_ feels
16 years ago
like 7lbs is a good movie, and that amanda is the shit