49Friends 9Fans
female Pakanbaru, Indonesia
I can almost see it
that dream I'm dreaming
but there's voice inside my head saying you'll never reach it!!

I wanna to be a good girl for everyone

The Climb  - Miley Cyrus. Español (official music video)
niisacomel bilang
14 years ago 11
why the world is so not fair to me. and I can only pause to wait for the truth had come. (tears) (tears)
niisacomel bilang
14 years ago 4
I hate people who want to win themselves and stubborn
niisacomel needs
14 years ago 16
orang yg mw nemenin k wc!!takuut!!hehehe (tongue) (wave) (lmao)
niisacomel bilang
14 years ago 1
ngapa nii tugas gag mau dikiriim??nyebelin ah, udah susah2 buat malah tambah susah ngirimnya!mana deadlinenya besok lagii!!! (angry)
niisacomel bilang
14 years ago 5
sumpah capek kali!!! sakit2 dah punggung akk ngerjain tugas nii!! mana lagi banyak yg minta toloong!!!huuft!!! (: (angry) (tears)
niisacomel sedang
14 years ago 14
membuat tugas ampe larut malam...capeeek (: (: (tears)
niisacomel sedang
14 years ago
bersiap2 kembali ke sekolah
niisacomel hopes
14 years ago 14
plurk nirvana!!! (cozy)
niisacomel hopes
14 years ago 9
niisacomel wonders
14 years ago
pulang cepat gag yaa??? (unsure) (annoyed)