17Friends 5Fans
female Singapore
Nor Khairunnisa Bte Zainuddin .
Niisa will do..
15 dis year..
love all my FRIENDS..
Love to Laugh ..
Hate betrayers..
niisa_niisa is
13 years ago
Superduper excited for hari raye!!!!! Whoopwhoop! (woot)
niisa_niisa thinks
13 years ago
Maybe i should sleep back. Getting pretty sleepy y'know Zzzzz
niisa_niisa hopes
13 years ago
That razin will really keep his promise next time. Sigh.
niisa_niisa needs
13 years ago
A break from school. It had been so stressing lately. But exams are near :-o
niisa_niisa wonders
13 years ago
What razin doing now. maybe sleeping.
niisa_niisa says
13 years ago
i want to delete my plurk but then im nt allowed to use the computer :-(
niisa_niisa says
13 years ago
i think my friends that used to have plurk run mostly runaway to twitter already (LOL)
niisa_niisa wonders
13 years ago
If today date with razin will still go on. Coz he hurt his ankle and its my fault :-(
niisa_niisa says
13 years ago
Same number of limited letters -.-
niisa_niisa says
13 years ago
I didnt plurk since 1 year ago coz i think twitter is more interesting. So yeaah. Sorry plurk. Now zero karma already. Hahaaa.