UP! wins Best Animated Picture! Well deserved!
Awesome! Christoph Waltz wins Best Supporting Actor for Inglorious Bastards!
Wait? That was Kathy Ireland?! Wow!
is already rolling his eyes at actors' supporting comments of Precious for Best Picture.
Enjoyed Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3-D. It was good. I really need to go back and read the original book.
Just remembered when Shep destroyed his crate and I was mad as hell. Now I look back and think how cute.
Every time I see a military helicopter, I reach for my Light Machine Gun. Then remember I'm not playing Modern Warfare 2.
I'm glad I bought nice & dry raingear. Rainy and cold days suck on the flightline.
stayed up way too late playing MW2.
grrrrr.. Netflix's site is down!