381Friends 72Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
Nigel Cleanslate (nee Riel) is an internal state of mind made virtual flesh on Second Life. Prim Slinger, Soul Stealer, Tune Drifter and Nutjob.
Blog: Trials of Eyeliner
Flickr: Nigel Riel
5 years ago 20
5 years ago 7
Zaafir Was in Ez's house today, saw this...
5 years ago 2
If you don't want your Flickr feed to disappear, its easy to change all your SL Photos to Screenshots and Flickr won't delete them. Flickr Tips for Virtual World and Digital Artists
5 years ago 4
For folks jumping ship from Flickr, or just wanting to ensure you have everything, you can download your entire photostream in a zip file via account settings.