41Friends 7Fans
female Dedham, MA, United States
I work for some of the most creative people I have ever met at one of the best companies around...FableVision Learning! I get to meet lots of amazing people all from around the globe and share innovative tools for teachers and students! I get to hel
nicoleob hates
15 years ago 6
when technology doesn't work like its supposed to! Computer froze during a Webinar today...ugh! As if it isn't hard enough for me!
nicoleob shares
15 years ago 1
Taylor Mali I highly recommend watching some of his videos! As teachers, you will appreciate them!
nicoleob shares
15 years ago Creativity Tips!
nicoleob wishes
15 years ago 2
Saturday would hurry up and get here! I can't wait for Kenny Chesney! I hope this weekends weather holds out!
nicoleob thinks
15 years ago 1
I will go to the beach today...after I do some chores! :-D
15 years ago 5
invites people to join in on a WebEx demonstration of Animation-ish Wed 8/12 at 3pm EST/2pm CST-Let me know if you're interested!
nicoleob shares
15 years ago 9
nicoleob wishes
15 years ago 1
everyone a HAPPY FRIDAY (dance) (dance)
nicoleob wonders
15 years ago 3
what people think of our web-based vocabulary program ?