康德精選試題(英文): Please read the instructions carefully before you _____ the model ship. A.assemble B.resemble C.distract D.extract
康德精選試題(法緒):刑法罪刑法定原則主要係指: A.法官只能依據法律定罪科刑 B.法官可以依法理定罪科刑 C.法官可以依法理及習慣定罪科刑 D.法官可以依習慣及類推定罪科刑
康德精選試題(國文):若有靈,吾知其怒髮上衝也.怒髮上衝 意謂: A.形容極為憤怒之狀 B.形容極為悲傷之狀 C.形容極為失望之狀 D.形容極為後悔之狀.
康德精選試題(英文):_____ treating the homeless man as a shame of the society, Mrs. Wang provided him with food and water.
康德精選試題(法緒):下列何種勞務給付之契約類型,不具備勞務之專屬性? A.承攬 B.寄託 C.僱傭 D.委任。
康德精選試題(國文):「吞舟是漏」意指:A.喻百密終有一疏 B.喻情勢十分危急 C.喻法令寬鬆,常使重大罪犯逍遙法外 D.比喻慾望無窮,無法滿足。
康德精選試題 (英文):Mary is an ______supporter of human rights , which she thinks should be protected at any cost.