14Friends 13Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
16 years ago
anyone ever eat at 'Congee Bowery Restaurant' in nyc, hungering for some congee
16 years ago
new tv being delivered b/t 7.30-9am, wow didn't know anyone delivered that early. Best not work too late tonight
16 years ago
can't get new HD dish aligned, pissed off. think I'll have to call for an installer.
16 years ago
Drobo2.0 ordered, 3.8TB available in my setup. I hope that's enough good write up from ping.fm/heRMp
16 years ago
weird, I have less latency between Philly & Hong Kong, then I do from London to Hong Kong. London to Hong Kong is 3,000 nautical miles short
16 years ago
seems I never get away from telecom hell, it's just a different type of issue depending on the country. (as well I can never remember what L
needcaffeine has
16 years ago
anyone flown the new A380s yet? I'm skeptical of flying something with that many people. But some degree, I want to try the service.
16 years ago
if I'm out of the country, but get a juror summons. how do I handle that?
16 years ago
got toll called by invstmt house, better not have been through covestor - not sure where they got my phone #
16 years ago
dammit, meatball just rolled down my pants. thankfully no more meetings today