sumpah sih migrain attack terparraaahhh:"(
kenapasi kalo udah diniatin malah ujungnya gajadi...
kalau kita udah nunjukin suatu barang dr dalam tas kita, orang akan berhenti kepo sama isi tas kita. padahal ada yg lebih berharga dr yg udah ditunjukin.
the extroverts will not lack of materials to share. to make sure that people think they are okay when they just share random things, regardless their real feelings.
you keep it all inside, share it only with the monsters surround you. because you know that people need no more explanation from you.
you will be saved from "are you okay" questions because they thought that you are.
you know what is the worst part of being an extrovert? people think that you have issued all your feelings. they don't think you will need more space to share what in your head really is.
karena aku hopeless.. coba aja sih bikin form ala-ala. meskipun gatau aku its gonna work or not. sebenernya jg bukan tipikal survey kaya yg lain tp lambaikan tangan sih ngeliat badan tiap sampe rumah kaya ginitu...
susah bgt ya untuk ga merasa "balapan" dalam dunia perskripsian ini.
kok sedih ya tiap denger ada yg nanya
"surveinya sendirian to?"