16Friends 42Fans
male Indore, India
well i am me......i like to hang out with my friends...m a bit of more into computer games, don't mind making new friends....etc. etc.

wanna know more of me my friend....
navycut2 says
16 years ago
don't mess with me ....ne1....i can do nethng today....
navycut2 is
16 years ago 1
:-)) (devil) (bringit) :-& :-& X-( (angry) :-( :'-( :-& (tears) (money)
navycut2 is
16 years ago 1
frustrated................. X-(
navycut2 says
16 years ago
what the F ..........i got zero today.............F****!!!!!!!!!!
navycut2 says
16 years ago
the real danger is yet to come........Linear System....hell who made that........
navycut2 says
16 years ago's test was confused but still did ok......
navycut2 says
16 years ago
maybe i should now......go and study.....awww (doh)
navycut2 says
16 years ago
i just cant' concentrate........ helpppppppppppp.........
navycut2 says
16 years ago
tests going on ....awww.......not being able to be online ........ (tears)
navycut2 says
16 years ago
rocked the college again.....