bowie's girl
42Friends 132Fans
female Philippines
an ex-studio photographer and advancing tarot reader turned part time teacher; with a passion for knowledge, pop culture of the geeky level, coffee fueled conversations, cultural studies, and the worship of David Bowie.
bowie's girl has
16 years ago 2
been battling a horrific case of the sniffles and cold. augh. kill me now. :-&
bowie's girl is
16 years ago
now free to recover. until tomorrow. where the week once again begins, because i lost my weekend to work. hay.
bowie's girl is
16 years ago
just about to hit the end of her rope. in 3, 2, 1...
bowie's girl has
16 years ago
worked way too hard this weekend with mickoyabut. is now listening to david bowie's "rebel rebel" to keep her going. LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!
bowie's girl loves
16 years ago
www.kampfstern-galactica... Kara Thrace from Battlestar Galactica. (heart_beat)
bowie's girl is
16 years ago
stealing the neighbor's internet. i can hear and smell the coffee that ourchair is making from here. yum! :-))
bowie's girl has
16 years ago 2
had a really, really good weekend. mmmm, this if the life. for such a good weekend, i know work later will feel EXTRA MONDAY (LOL)
bowie's girl shares
16 years ago
how the boys keep swinging in the tan family household: a new post at NEW KILLAH STAAAAAAAH! (banana_cool)
bowie's girl is
16 years ago
almost done working on the website job with mickoyabut. go LK go! (gym)