7Friends 2Fans
female Calamba, Philippines
name: Bea
Loves:kitties and puppies ^^ *and Naruhina *and the emotion;-)
Likes: Plurk and exercise

believes that: No information is useless enough to be useless.

Taylor Swift - Enchanted [Fanmade]
BeeFlores shares
15 years ago
naruto lovers the video that i'm sharing today is a never before tv seened naruto special : THE ANUAL KONOHA SPORTSFEST!!!!!
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
lets (dance)to the beat man!!!
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
hey guuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrlllllssss!!! what's up?
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
hey dudes and duddetes!!!
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
plurk buds good afternoon!!!
BeeFlores shares
15 years ago
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
hey plurky plurkers like the new background? if you wanna download it there's no trouble this layout is for free!! man !!
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
yo yo dance lets dance til sunset man ! !pump it up pump it up pump it pump it pump it up!! (dance) (music) X-( (music) !!
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
wanna have cool icy chilly backgrounds for ya plurk? well then go 2 the coolest website that gives ya cool backgrounds
BeeFlores says
15 years ago
yo pump up the plurk!!! (music) (dance)