32Friends 4Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
actions speak louder than words
nadiaamanda2 says
12 years ago
the best things come to those who wait. I believe it.
nadiaamanda2 says
12 years ago
hi I just met you and this is crazy. but here's my number, so call me maybe (:
12 years ago
bundadari bantuin gua kerjain pr dong (:
12 years ago
hujan hujan gini gua malah galau~ -_-
12 years ago
bener2 hari ini tuh gila jangar banget emosi naik turun. mana ga ngerti perasaan sendiri-_-
12 years ago
kita mulai sesi curhatnya enak kan ga ada orang bisa sepuasnya:-))
nadiaamanda2 says
12 years ago
confused with my own feeling. complicated huh :-(
nadiaamanda2 says
12 years ago
tomorrow insya Allah I'll be spamming on plurk anymore (rofl). that's too free here. no comment and alone is so much better than when I'm spamming on twitter! super baddas here! but quiete horror--"
nadiaamanda2 says
12 years ago
he's the one who can bring many colours into my life. he even can make me more special. good night A! {}
nadiaamanda2 says
12 years ago
still hopping we can through all days together when we're at senior high school. fight fight fight! keep spirit nad!{}* *aaa melted. aamiin. thanks for the support, my dear!<3