1Friends 9Fans
female Indonesia
A sun flare junkie who's in love with the sun and loving it to the moon and stars
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago
Cell phone's behaving erratically and seems to be on the verge of phone breakdown being 3 years old (close) already.
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago
Working on that thing I am supposed to be doing and for which I am getting paid to do
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago
Drinking hot cappuccino like nobody's business. Whoever invented coffee, I *heart* them.
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago
My head is spinning hard at the moment. Mostly work stuff, not exactly happy stuff.
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago
I could just explode...
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago 3
I don't know which I dislike more; being lazy or being overworked.
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago 25
The searing heat of the dry season will soon leave our midst & the wet has steadily & surely taken over; been waiting for rain for months.
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago 5
pusinkkk @,@
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago
it's oh so quiet. still.
mutesoliloquy is
14 years ago