26Friends 19Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
these words are about me, which i have to write in less than 250 chars and since i've used 72 of it without calculating spaces i used, i think i have only 250-147 chars left, and it means 80 chars minus spaces.

oh, i forget. i don't like to count.
odi loves
15 years ago
Marvin the Paranoid Android
odi bilang
15 years ago 5
sunday for sleep! :-))
odi bilang
15 years ago 3
transformers 2 banyak ga penting nya.
odi bilang
15 years ago
the space-time continuum: the further out we look into space, the farther back we see into time.
odi cintai
15 years ago
unsynced music
odi tadi
15 years ago
di-email sama manusia yang gak gw kenal. woow
odi ingin
15 years ago
bisa kaya jumper.
odi bilang
15 years ago 6
Twitteran yu kawan2, lebih sepi orang indonesianya dari plurk :-P
15 years ago 3
nice solitary :-))