Power is back, rain is gone, E is at a birthday party, all is right among the heavens and earth.
We lost power during the night, and it's not back. Still raining. House, cars, & family all intact.
Hurricane #Irene update: yaaaawwwwnnn... #lucky
Thing One's idea of Hurricane #Irene prep: buy several bags of ice, to keep our drinks cold. My girl!
No, it's not an aftershock. I just should not have gone "Venti" this morning.
And report from homefront is that husband and kids are fine too.
I'm in a decent mood and I got everything crossed off my list. Monday, you're just (mess)ing with me, aren't you?
At my 8-year-old nephew's Harry Potter-themed birthday party. Awesome.
hanging out at a hotspot of American history. Kids found river mud to splash in. Winning.