8Friends 55Fans
female Hamilton, Bermuda
expat working mom, travelers service industry, somewhere in the northern part of the western hemisphere. Married into Red Sox Nation and have lived to tell the tale.
"Real" blog at
mugs says
13 years ago
Power is back, rain is gone, E is at a birthday party, all is right among the heavens and earth.
mugs says
13 years ago
We lost power during the night, and it's not back. Still raining. House, cars, & family all intact.
mugs says
13 years ago
Hurricane #Irene update: yaaaawwwwnnn... #lucky
mugs says
13 years ago
Thing One's idea of Hurricane #Irene prep: buy several bags of ice, to keep our drinks cold. My girl!
mugs says
13 years ago
No, it's not an aftershock. I just should not have gone "Venti" this morning.
mugs says
13 years ago
And report from homefront is that husband and kids are fine too.
mugs says
13 years ago
I'm fine! #DCquake
mugs says
13 years ago
I'm in a decent mood and I got everything crossed off my list. Monday, you're just (mess)ing with me, aren't you?
mugs says
13 years ago
At my 8-year-old nephew's Harry Potter-themed birthday party. Awesome.
mugs is
13 years ago
hanging out at a hotspot of American history. Kids found river mud to splash in. Winning.