26Friends 6Fans
male Roanoke, VA, United States
I like sandwiches, cakes, and toasters. I also talk to my cat.

11 years ago
so i just spent the past 8 or so hours sitting in standstill traffic....
muffincakes says
11 years ago 4
So I've been as heck and unable to Plurk. So what happens? I lose karma! curses
muffincakes says
11 years ago 3
So my new phone is ALSO a remote for my TV, Cable, and AV Receiver. WOW!
muffincakes says
11 years ago 10
So I've gotta make a round trip to Baltimore today. That's gonna be around 10 hours worth of driving. Phew!
muffincakes says
11 years ago 1
So, i'm trying to sell an old netbook on craigslist for $75 bucks. Fair price, right? I have a guy very aggressively trying to convince me via email to trade it for a vacuum.
muffincakes says
11 years ago
Rawr :-P
muffincakes says
11 years ago 3
If you're a student at any college in the US, Autodesk (the creators of Maya and 3DS Max) offer free, fully functional, educational editions of their software for download!
muffincakes says
11 years ago 1
muffincakes says
11 years ago 7 After a long day of being big scary dinosaurs, the Intrigue Co plushie gang decided to grab a light lunch...
muffincakes says
11 years ago
The fabric birds from Vespertine are....a dream. I LOVE them.