42Friends 45Fans
male Redmond, WA, United States
msmvp says
14 years ago
Join us on the MVP Award Program Blog starting May 12 for "10 Days for Office 2010" yahoo
msmvp shares
14 years ago
The team is hard at work! B-)https://images.plurk.com/5659428_9e73a3b9426ff3ba5f1d5f73cf6e5aec.jpg
msmvp asks
14 years ago
(dance)Have you seen this? MVPs help launch Visual Studio 2010 MVPs help launch Visual Studio 2010
msmvp shares
14 years ago
Watch (woot) a global tour as Microsoft MVPs helped launch Visual Studio 2010 on April 12. MVPs help launch Visual Studio 2010
msmvp asks
14 years ago
(bigeyes)The question of the day: "How will you use Visual Studio 2010?"
msmvp shares
14 years ago 1
Learn more about Visual Studio 2010 from Kathleen Dollard (yahoo)www.youtube.com/watch?v=...