10Friends 43Fans
male Kerrville, TX, United States
Chief Technology Officer for Texas School District, Media watcher and hobbyist, Web 2.0 surfer
mrjadkins wonders
15 years ago
if Plurking, Twittering, and Fluthering at the same time will cause blindness?
mrjadkins is
15 years ago
loving the Diamond Dave soundboard:
mrjadkins thinks
16 years ago
I posted a good blog tonight. Remembering former students and our discussions. - Million $ Ideas
mrjadkins is
16 years ago anyone? The site offers you a place to post and all you do is email your content (including attachments).
mrjadkins is
16 years ago 1
reading in a different window the letter to the Ramsey family from the Boulder, CO DA's office DNA study of the real perpetrator.
mrjadkins is
16 years ago
reading the Newsweek article online about Microblogging.
mrjadkins wishes
16 years ago
his elbow wouldn't hurt each time he lifts his arm up.
mrjadkins asks
16 years ago
is anyone using a CMS system for your district website? I am looking to replace our 1 webmaster with 20 contributors. You know what I mean..
mrjadkins shares
16 years ago
his blog address Interested to get feedback on this topic (and others).
mrjadkins has
16 years ago 1
posted another blog about starting the conversation. What is the conversation starter for people new to this entire Webolution?