9Friends 1Fans
mrda13 is
15 years ago
going to learn a new skill tomorrow - kayaking!...and he's gonna check one more off the List (dance)
mrda13 has
15 years ago
got back his RUNNING legs :-D
mrda13 is
15 years ago 10
counting on his Wolverine's healing factor to recover
mrda13 hates
15 years ago
post-race injuries :-(
mrda13 is
15 years ago 2
trying out MeeBo chat. Is it good? Has anyone tried it out yet?
mrda13 feels
15 years ago
that despite all the agonising pain, it's worth it! (dance)
mrda13 has
15 years ago
just returned from the marathon and his souvenir, amongst others, is an injured left foot and aches all over :-&
mrda13 is
15 years ago
ready to give it all he's got for the 42km Standard Chartered Marathon. It's time to shine!
mrda13 loves
15 years ago
One Piece (LOL)
mrda13 is
15 years ago
getting ready his song playlist for the Marathon (music)