84Friends 96Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
38% potato

Beard Connoisseur.

The Closet Diary

9 years ago
I played this gacha way too much, if anyone wants/needs the laundry basket or wall sconce (wall lamp), lemme know & it's yours!
9 years ago 5
any recommendations for a low prim plain (non-decorated) Christmas tree? Or if anyone knows who makes this one?
9 years ago
is it Sunday yet?
Valletta says
9 years ago
Valletta says
9 years ago 2
vacations are never long enough. However it is nice to be home!
Valletta says
9 years ago 3
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was absolutely amazing! There's so much detail put into it, which really does make experience so much better.
Valletta says
9 years ago 1
can't get wifi to work here on my laptop.. but it works on my phone.
Valletta asks
9 years ago
whenever you've been in an airport, what do you do to kill some time?
Valletta says
9 years ago
the countdown begins, less than a week until I'm in Orlando! And basically me soon..