The Mohinator!
97Friends 14Fans
female Puyallup, WA, United States
Just another second lifer, expanding her horizons outside of, well, second life! I respond more than I plurk, because let's face it, ya'll are some crazy bishes and I love ya <3
The Mohinator!
9 years ago
spent the past few days trying to write the eulogy for my father figure's funeral. I spent so much of my life around him, was so impacted by him...and yet now, I just can't seem to find words.
The Mohinator!
9 years ago 1
4 cups of coffee later, I've...rearranged my room, done 3 loads of laundry, did the dishes, cleaned my rat's cage, vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the bathroom, and read for an hour. o_o
The Mohinator!
9 years ago 3
struggling tonight. could use a friend, new or old. my skype is robyn_johnson. Ask me about myself. Let me ask about you. Any other form of distraction is most welcome.
The Mohinator!
9 years ago
spent most of the week sleeping. And when I wasn't sleeping, the best friend was running me through some solo GURPs games. It hasn't fully hit yet, but I'm bracing for the eventual meltdown ._.
The Mohinator! shares
9 years ago 5

RL me...because distracting myself on plurk is far easier than facing reality right now. Q~Q
The Mohinator!
9 years ago 1
new yoga clothes came in today. my ass looks FABULOUS.
The Mohinator!
9 years ago 2
question for anyone who has taken antidepressants: did you ever deal with jaw cramping or teeth clenching? Started prozac and I'm really struggling adjusting to all the side effects. T~T
The Mohinator!
9 years ago
3 am. up because my new antidepressant is pissing off my bruxism. oooowie.
The Mohinator!
9 years ago