11Friends 1Fans
female Hsin Chu, Taiwan
I am a coconut. i am a coconut. I am a coconut. i am a coconut.I am a coconut. i am a coconut.I am a coconut. i am a coconut.I am a coconut. i am a coconut.I am a coconut. i am a coconut.I am a coconut. i am a coconut.I am a coconut. i am a coconut.I
mochiroloxy says
12 years ago
uhr....eurozone crisis...some sort of cant they keep it simple?
mochiroloxy says
12 years ago
cheap chocolate has a taste which i just cant quite put my finger on.
mochiroloxy feels
12 years ago
trousers 2 long. but now that ive stitched them up, it looks 2 short. sigh
mochiroloxy says
12 years ago
36000nt for printer?!
mochiroloxy says
12 years ago
the amazing difference btwn 220 and doesnt take much to make electric apps xplode.
mochiroloxy feels
12 years ago 1
cold hands. fingers numb.
mochiroloxy thinks
12 years ago
its annoying how karma stays resolutely just below 50.
mochiroloxy says
12 years ago
stupid foot! HEALLLLLL.
mochiroloxy feels
12 years ago
like running down the beach. too bad its too far away.
mochiroloxy feels
12 years ago
that she cant stop switching btween long trousers& shorts. am i cold or not???