34Friends 4Fans
female Belmont, MA, United States
This pretty much exists as a way of following Aather blather. I play Clover and Roxas there (with Kougyoku in queue,) and I used to play Shion and Madoka.
11 years ago 10
[mental health] Okay, I have a perscription for Welbutrin.
11 years ago 4
Ugh, sudden horribly light-flashy migraine. Will be back online later.
11 years ago 3
All right - the left side of my butt still hurts from yesterday, and I have cramps. I think this is a sign to take a mess of ibuprofen and go to bed. Night, all!
11 years ago 7
AAAAGH, I am the worst fucking person! I just walked into the living room and asked my mom if she'd seen Lucy, and I got most of the sentence out before it hit me.
11 years ago 40
[meme] Give me a canon and receive: Fave M/F:
Fave Broship:
Fave Sisship:
Fave F/F:
Fave M/M:
Favorite Canon:
Favorite Crack:
Guilty Pleasure:
Pairing I Really Could Do Without:
11 years ago 1
Aaaah, I love playing Sunset! I can never get over that! Another 100+ comments in a night, with her. I wish I was that handy with anyone else I ever played.
11 years ago 16
Productive today! Cast LARP (which was a pain in the ass...)
11 years ago 1
Okay, guys, since my self-therapy seems to consist of "find and watch/read things that make me cry" - rec me books/movies/anime/etc that will do just that.
11 years ago 1
It's such a relief to have a bit of a threading groove back. Even if I'm going to have to go to bed soon.
11 years ago
[body ows] Okaaay, it's a little early for my period, why am I abruptly seized with nausea and cramps. Ugggghhh.