34Friends 4Fans
female Belmont, MA, United States
This pretty much exists as a way of following Aather blather. I play Clover and Roxas there (with Kougyoku in queue,) and I used to play Shion and Madoka.
11 years ago 5
Food is still in kitty. But it was such a tiny amount. Maybe a syringefull all-told
11 years ago 12
My bed is now covered in kitten formula, from trying to syringe feed Lucy. At least if it gets on her ruff, she licks it up.
11 years ago 4
[sick cat saga] Syringed a tiny bit more kitten formula into Lucy. Kept it to a tiny amount. She's kept it down so far...
11 years ago 25
[sick cat saga] God, everything looked so hopeful for a moment. letterblade and I got some kitten formula into her with a syringe. And then she lapped some on her own. But then, she threw up again.
11 years ago 3
All right, Lucy just got her first dose of prednisolone.
11 years ago 14
Ugh, why are my cans so limited?
11 years ago 10
[sick cat saga] Okay, I have the prednisolone, and I'll be administering it starting 8:00 pm tonight. Please, please let this work!
11 years ago
Yahooooooooo let me access my e-mail. >.<
11 years ago 33
[sick cat saga] Hell, you guys. My conspiracy theory was partially right!
11 years ago 1
Replied to Kougyoku's back tags and tagged team post, in a fit of oh-god-let-me-do-something-other-than-worry.