23Friends 5Fans
female Tiwi, Philippines
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
morning plurkers :-)
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
good morning plurkers :-)
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
is much more painful to lie that you don't love someone rather than to pretend that you're together
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
twitter.com/#!/mixzie_02... -- please follow me on twitter
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
please follow me on twitter :-)
mizraim024 says
13 years ago
You could hold on to more precious memories if your hands weren't so full of the grudges you are carrying so closely.
mizraim024 shares
13 years ago
...believes it's OK to talk to yourself. It's even OK to answer yourself. But f you argue with yourself and lose...well, nw u got a problm