N i x
90Friends 44Fans
female Philippines
A girl lost in her mind. A wanderer in the depths of fiction. A girl with a hair blown all over her face un-apologettically. A simple girl with simple wants. A human paradox.
N i x
8 years ago
Rule 1: Love yourself.
N i x
8 years ago
Kiss from a Rose
N i x
8 years ago 1
I feel like I'm going crazy! #NeedToGetThisOut
N i x
8 years ago 1
Stress eating... #BirthdaysBeLike
N i x
9 years ago
Another day! :-)
N i x
9 years ago
That Thing Called "End of the Semester na kaya bagsakan na ng gawain." (YAHOO!) Go Push ~
N i x
9 years ago 1
Hi Plurkmates! (dance) (dance)
N i x
9 years ago
had watched The Fault In Our Stars & Divergent (heart)
N i x
9 years ago
That feeling of giving up... but I CAN'T! I CAN'T! I CAN'T!
N i x
9 years ago
Good afternoon :-)