69Friends 17Fans
female Champaign, IL, United States
miraclenight says
15 years ago 2
準備去買朋友的Bridal Shower的禮物! :-D
miraclenight says
15 years ago 4
Hi is risen indeed! :-) Happy Easter~
miraclenight says
15 years ago
Critical thinking will not happen to me unless I keep thinking and reading and writing and get well trained.
miraclenight says
15 years ago 6
miraclenight says
15 years ago 3
miraclenight says
15 years ago 5
喝到Starbucks的White Chocolate Mocha! 好好喝:-o
miraclenight shares
15 years ago 1
There is a fire of Divine Love. A few lines of a poem written by John Donne attracted me...
miraclenight says
15 years ago
I want to know more about modern Japanese culture.. looking forward to the following EALC250 lectures and stuff!
miraclenight says
15 years ago 5
miraclenight is
15 years ago
safe home! Chilly Illinois I'm here..