69Friends 17Fans
female Champaign, IL, United States
miraclenight says
15 years ago 3
Wish to have 48 hours a day!
miraclenight says
15 years ago 4
almost exhausted... (: I wanna go shopping and see a movie and sleep~!!!!
miraclenight says
15 years ago 2
Tonight the late night bus I rode was full of party guys. Interesting~
miraclenight says
15 years ago 2
Need to finish Japanese culture essay!! I bet I will see sunrise today... (dance)
miraclenight says
15 years ago 4
It's snowing~:-)
miraclenight says
15 years ago 4
'We are sent here to educate ourselves, and that self-denial,and disappointment,and self-control,are a part of our education.' -Mary Shelley
miraclenight says
15 years ago 2
I wondered what "ワープロ‐ソフト" is for almost one week. And finally I figured out that it means "word processing software"! Learned a lesson..^^"
miraclenight is
15 years ago 4
in Indiana now~
miraclenight says
15 years ago 1
Frankenstein is really amusing that sometimes i even easily absorbed in it!Compare to Candide,this reading experience is quite less painful.
miraclenight says
15 years ago
The professor of EALC250 gave us a 2,241-words guide for an only 600~800-words mini essay, which I really appreciate!