63Friends 30Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
Same Girl, multiple social networks.
minjung has
16 years ago
a hot date with her hubbycakes tonight.
minjung wants
16 years ago
creme brullee french toast for dinner. And so I'm going to make that.
minjung wants
16 years ago
to eat tofu inspite of this. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talk...
minjung loves
16 years ago 2
listening to TED Podcasts. So smartenizing.
minjung wants
16 years ago
a footrub and some aspirin.
minjung is
16 years ago 1
getting craploads of laundry done.
minjung says
16 years ago 8
nothing screeches w more pain than your eyeballs after trying to pop out your contacts when youve been cutting jalapenos the night before.
minjung is
16 years ago 7
feeling very antisocial. Very.
minjung hates
16 years ago 3
that there are stunning number of lame or uninteresting sounding jobs out there.
minjung has
16 years ago 5
had a coupe of bits of dissappointing news today but will rally forward. this too shall pass.