15Friends 24Fans
female Tulsa, OK, United States
mindykoch says
12 years ago
awesome!! just got $762 thanks to this article ping.fm/m4jxA?Article=77...
mindykoch says
12 years ago
awesome!! just received $764 you should see this ping.fm/EuP6G?Article=77...
mindykoch says
12 years ago
great to see moms in my area are working from home ping.fm/OIyVf?Article=88... looks like im joining the party
16 years ago
Getting organized for move to Hawaii. So much to do. So little time!
16 years ago
Spending last night with my husband. Twittering while he packs. Won't see him again until sometime in September. Big night for us.
mindykoch wants
16 years ago 4
more time to spend on line and less time required to sleep.
mindykoch feels
16 years ago 2
so excited about the new Macbook Pro she just bought!
16 years ago
shouts YEAH I figured out how to plurk from my blackberry at work! Woot, Woot! Uh-huh! Right On!
mindykoch wants
16 years ago 2
plurkers to know my name is pronounced Mindy "Coke" not "Kotch". And definitely not KAWK as someone pronounced it today.
mindykoch wishes
16 years ago
she could plurk at work.