So apparently my computer might need a new hard drive. If this is true, I'm gonna blow a gasket, because it was fine when I sent it in.
Okay, I'm off to bed now before I get sidetracked by Bioshock. Also I broke 30k in NaNoWriMo
Okay, back in the clear. But I want to finish this chapter today, which means another 1600 words at least.
That... slightly disappointing moment when you think you only have seven more cards to get for your deck, then you remember_
Urgh, I think I set too high of a length goal for this chapter 8(
I cannot stop listening to this song no matter how much I haaaaaaaaate the production!
Oh okay. That's nice to know. It's currently impossible for me to fail any of my classes!
Plurk's new buttons are so silly in these dimensions. To me, anyway.