46Friends 71Fans
female Sampaloc, Philippines
College Student, major in Food Technology.

Currently struggling to get passing grades. Too much science can kill your brain, seriously -_-

Will be putting up my own food blog soon~ :3
Lexeh has
15 years ago
to go now. Ja~
Lexeh is
15 years ago 13
still alive, I think? o.O
Lexeh says
15 years ago 1
hi to all! Just wishing you a very merry Christmas! :-D *hugs & banoffee pies for all of you* <3
Lexeh wonders
15 years ago
how long 'til she gets tired of hearing Carrie Underwood's "Cowboy Cassanova" XDDD Anywho, didn't go to Lantern Parade o.o
Lexeh wonders
15 years ago
how it is that .977 Country Channel managed to play my favorites consecutively when I haven't really picked them out on their site yet XD
Lexeh is
15 years ago
listening to .977 Country Channel. Rascal Flatts with "Here"...I love this music station. They played a SheDAISY song earlier too~ <3
Lexeh says
15 years ago
Tita Bing's home~ \o/ She came with loads of chocolates that are making my throat hurt XD But she also came with an electric oven 8D ILU~ <3
Lexeh says
15 years ago 2
I love my choir XDDDD And my sisters. Goodness, my stomach is faintly hurting...too much laughter! XDDDD
Lexeh says
15 years ago
okay, okay. I'll go now and cook lunch so I can replace my mom at the store...*sighs* Bringing my books though! :-P Take care~
Lexeh wonders
15 years ago 1
if she'd convince her mom to let her bake goodies for her friends..even when there are too many of them :-D I've picked a recipe already :-P