148Friends 156Fans
female Goshen, NY, United States
I am Professor of Education, Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY
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milasunshine asks
11 years ago 1
Hello Plurk Community! Last weekend before school begins! Enjoy it!
milasunshine asks
11 years ago 1
to remind me how to hide the link into the word or phrase on Plurk.
milasunshine says
11 years ago
Just purchased a Reflector that connects your iPad with the computer and makes the screen a whiteboard :-)
milasunshine asks
11 years ago
It is raining. Haven't walked my dog, Frosty, yet... He is under the bed...
milasunshine asks
11 years ago 1
Hello, enjoy the day my friends-plurkers!
milasunshine asks
11 years ago 2
Good night to those of you who go to bed and good morning to others who are getting up from my Plurk community!
milasunshine asks
11 years ago 2
It was a long tiring day but healthy! I bought vegetables and fruits for juicing.
milasunshine asks
11 years ago 4
A nice quiet morning. Have a nice day!
milasunshine asks
11 years ago 1
to remind how to hide the URL in words on Plurk? and make the text Italic? Did pluk for a while and forgot how to do it! ;-(
milasunshine says
11 years ago 4
Designing a new course, Psychology of Learning, for the fall semester. I think I will use the MyEducationLab by Pearson to set up the course and its materials. Looks like it all set up!