41Friends 14Fans
male Calgary, AB, Canada
I am who I am..

mikechrisyap thinks
15 years ago 14
of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
mikechrisyap is
15 years ago 46
nanghihinayang.. (LOL)
mikechrisyap is
15 years ago 30
my life would suck without jew..:-D
mikechrisyap is
15 years ago
bouncy from glee.:-D
mikechrisyap asks
15 years ago
to bring me LOVE. oh~
mikechrisyap loves
15 years ago
the light snow rather than the storm..:-D
mikechrisyap is
15 years ago
parapapapa.. love ko 'to..:-D
mikechrisyap is
15 years ago 3
fucked up.. (LOL)
mikechrisyap says
15 years ago 8
nam!!! (LOL)
mikechrisyap will
15 years ago
go to church even though the snow strom just finished last night, snow is like until your knees? O.o