illy REIGN.
464Friends 92Fans
female Long Beach, CA, United States
Co-Owner of REIGN.

illy REIGN.
6 years ago 4
If you only knew how annoying me and Kenadee's husbands are together.
illy REIGN.
6 years ago 23
So kenadeecole and I are super behind on all of these youtubers and the excitement or drama that has happened today... help us out and post us some links to these youtubers so we can know who you are talking about ♥♥
illy REIGN.
6 years ago 51
Planner girls... Show my some of your spreads!! I need all the pics please ♥
illy REIGN.
6 years ago 10
kattington_Milk I can't wait for you to see what I did with Uber :-D
illy REIGN.
6 years ago 3
Who bought Sims4 Seasons? What do you think so far? I've only been able to change the outfits of my family, but sooo excited to play!
illy REIGN.
6 years ago
Sims4 Seasons is outtttt!!
illy REIGN.
6 years ago 4
So... I accidently taught my dogs to love whipped cream... They hear the can shake and they go nuts. Rowena is currently pissed at me because she didn't get any.
illy REIGN.
6 years ago
It's so odd, I haven't touched my planner at all this week, I didn't even plan my week out yet. Maybe after N21 is finished...
illy REIGN.
6 years ago 16
Random question: When doing laundry how do you sort colors? Between Deacon and I, we have enough clothes to do separate loads by color. I’ve always only separated whites, reds, and colors... but now I have enough to do green and blue and browns and blacks and grays... too much clothes
illy REIGN.
6 years ago 9
Walmart has the CUTEST boho shorts right now. I have 10 pairs and i'm obsessed with them.