45Friends 16Fans
female Manila, Philippines
miffygref says
14 years ago 1
had her bar petition submitted today(thanks jam&ludee).next step:bar.ahh!!!
miffygref says
14 years ago
you can take the Northerner out of the 'North,' but you can't take the 'North' out of the Northerner. :-P
miffygref says
14 years ago
you know you're burning out when game7 is more interesting than civil law. never mind that you don't understand the game:-P
miffygref says
14 years ago 1
cooked her first dish yesterday with very minimal adult supervision. :-D
miffygref says
14 years ago
wake me up when September ends.
miffygref says
14 years ago 1
Is hoping for a panic-free week.
miffygref says
14 years ago
there's no place like home. :-)
miffygref is
14 years ago 1
is feeling the post-election blues, among other things (and is suffering from fb withdrawal).
miffygref will
14 years ago
vote and volunteer tom hoping for the best but knowing her dreams are too big to be stuffed into ballot boxes (PCOS machines, rather)
miffygref says
14 years ago 1
suddenly has the urge to bake.