22Friends 19Fans
female Subang Jaya, Malaysia
talks too much, laughs too loud, drinks waayyy too much coffee, thinks sleeping should be everyones hobby, has a thing for new books and is absolutely in love with shoes she can't afford :-)
mieelieyaa says
15 years ago 22
Is anyone going for the BTH class at 12pm?
mieelieyaa feels
15 years ago 31
a lot better this morning...
mieelieyaa says
15 years ago 23
whoever's going for BTH tomorrow, please let Prof Ben know that the 7th is a holiday - cannot pass up assignment 3
mieelieyaa hates
15 years ago 11
being sick.. hate hate hate it!
mieelieyaa is
15 years ago 61
mieelieyaa says
15 years ago 4
I want to sleep now, but I can't cause of the lab report..
mieelieyaa says
15 years ago 14
did you know, only 8 people went for immuno lecture today.. hahahahaha
mieelieyaa wonders
15 years ago 6
if she should go for Immuno lecture or skip it and study Med Micro?
mieelieyaa is
15 years ago 4
ridiculously exhausted
mieelieyaa is
15 years ago 8
mightily annoyed that she spent the entire weekend preparing for the com presentation and the class was canceled today