12Friends 6Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
Not your motherfucker
wank here: mindsturbate.wordpress.com
15 years ago 9
just dropping by to fart. I literally farted 2 seconds ago
15 years ago 12
Goodbye Plurk. I twit!
15 years ago
somebody's je je je jealousssss! ha ha ha! gago.
15 years ago
plurks again because Bim asked me to. Plurk Again convert.
16 years ago
i'll visit plurk again when my karma is back to -0.16 :-D
16 years ago
Quotes adammordo about Bam Bim: he won in the Philippine Blog awards, he won a poker tournament, he got himself a GF.
midori88 says
16 years ago 5
hello there alien fanatics. here's your hope. www.abovetopsecret.com/f...
midori88 says
16 years ago
to err is human. to arr is pirate. har har. i need to laugh. huhu
midori88 is
16 years ago
tanned like the Ginos www.frakincool.com/pictu...
midori88 wants
16 years ago 1
know if Earl Hickey i248.photobucket.com/alb... has a Plurk account. He could get good Karma here.