Micheas Elijah
5Friends 4Fans
male Where The Wind Blows, Philippines
I am a child of the wind...that's who I am...aimlessly wandering with my homeless heart...
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
wow ah...tagal bago nagkaron ng internet access >.<
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
where the hell is my notebook?! @_@ can it be that i left it at school?! D:
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
i'll be leaving and going to the world of dreams...I'm hoping that I won't ever have to come back...
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
emotional implosion...
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
they have no idea...I'm betting on it...
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
i'll let my anger and hatred consumer me...and our ties then...
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
nyeta! hindi na natapos-tapos ang download na ito sa sobrnag bagal ng internet...
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
why can't I ever perfect singing "Homeless Heart"? :/
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
#nowplaying Pink - Try ...thanks to voxGiovanni, I'm exploring her music :/
Micheas Elijah
11 years ago
internet is running slow...